This is a searingly honest account of the horrors of North Korea and the desperation of living under a brutal regime. The appalling depths of inhumanity that exist in this world and the courage of som...
I really enjoyed this book. What an amazing lady Anwen was. She was made of strong stuff but also had an innocence that was touching. It was a fascinating insight into times gone by. It just goes to s...
Robert was one of the survivors from Laudys barn. After many years of silence, he gives an hour by hour account for 8 am in the morning. Robert was 19yrs when it happened his life collapsed in a few s...
I really enjoyed this book, it is the story of two women who are second wives of two brothers in an Italian family. This novel explores the psychological issues of second marriages, and the hardships ...
France has nearly 3000 municipally provided Motorhome parking areas, most provide fresh water and waste water facilities. So the objective of this guide is spot on, a list of all the aires (motorhom...